
A Desperate Community

Desperate People Living The Journey Together

We love to be labeled self-sufficient, self-motivated, and independent. Why? What would happen if we lived as desperate people who need each other in order to live life? Would we be labeled differently?

Needy, Dependent, Desperate.

If we were dependent upon one another, would we become healthier emotionally, spiritually, and physically? I think so. Would you let me live in my self-pity and self-absorbtion? Or, would you call me out as such? Would you let me continue in a self-destructive pattern that not only destroys self but also those to whom I am the closest? Would you let me continue down a path that leads to destruction or would you show me a better way?

To Live the Journey Together is impart kindness to one another. To call one another out. To punch someone in the nose to help them recognize their folly. To call a spade a spade and a sin sin.

But, we live in a country that values independence, liberty, freedom, individuality, personal space and self. So, I will go on trying to surround myself with a community that values higher ideals such as Desperation, Dependence, and Need.

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