So, have I gone all PC? Not at all!
If you know me at all you know that being politically correct for the sake of political correctness is not something I value at all. In fact, I will sometimes be politically incorrect just for the shock value. And in this case, I am being politically correct for the sake of shock value!
But in reality, if something was invented by the church to focus people on the true essence of the meaning, then is it really political correctness?
This Christmas season many people will greet you with "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas." You could respond with a really loud and obnoxious, "a very, MERRY CHRISTMAS, to you too!" Or, you could respond with a simple "Happy Holidays to you as well," with a knowing smile. Let me give you a simple history as to why I feel no need to say something different, and why I can write Merry Xmas on cards with joy.
Happy Holidays literally refers to the Holy Days for which we normally take a break from work. Over time we began to address every vacation as a Holy Day - and really that is what a vacation should be. Soon it was shortened to Holiday but the meaning is still trapped in the word.
Xmas was invented by the church because during Christmas time during the era of the printing press; all the C's were used up in that the letter was hardly ever used the rest of the year. So, the church began to substitute the "X" for Christ - most people associated the Greek "X" with Christ anyway (the Presbyterians still use the X and P). So, Xmas should really be pronounced "Chai-Mass" - the corporate worship service in which we focus on the birth of Christ. In fact every corporate worship service should be called Chai-Mass!
So, Happy HolyDays and Merry ChaiMass!
Time is relative.
When I was dating my wife, time would move by so fast. Not to say that time no longer moves quickly when I am around her, I just remember it moving more quickly during that period of my life. Why is it that at times, such as during school, time seems to drag, while other times seem to fly by?
Just yesterday, so it seems, my daughters and son were born and I was married. Were they born on the same day that I was married? It seems like it. How is that possible? Is it because God has set eternity on the hearts of mankind? I don't know.
I was asked recently how is it possible that God can have no beginning or an end. I am not sure there is an adequate explanation for that. But I do know that there are moments that time seems to both stand still and yet fly by at the same time. Maybe this is kind of like eternity.
So, if time is so relative, why is my assistant so persistent to get my article for the newsletter?
I would suggest that time is the method by which we measure our lives. The amount of time we spend on anyone, anything, or any event is an indication of how much we value those people, places or things. If someone consumes our time by not meeting a deadline, we get frustrated and feel imposed upon because that time is lost. If the preacher is long winded - meaning he spoke about something we really couldn't care any less about; we feel that our time was wasted.
Why do Americans carry Blackberry's. PDA's, and cell phones? To help them maximize their time? Or, is it because we love to feel in control of our environment, and if we can control our time then we have gained an upper hand on one of the most important aspects of life. It's really quite simple. If I schedule time with my wife, then when she says, "You never spend time with me anymore," then I can show her in my schedule that just yesterday I blocked out time for just her. It was right between that meeting with the contractor and soccer practice. Then tonight, between the staff meeting and the elders' meeting she and I will have an entire 15 minutes of "quality" time.
What happened to truly allowing our relationships to dictate our time? Should time dictate our relationships? I wonder what the Creator, who is eternal, thinks of our measurement of time and how it controls our lives?
When I was dating my wife, time would move by so fast. Not to say that time no longer moves quickly when I am around her, I just remember it moving more quickly during that period of my life. Why is it that at times, such as during school, time seems to drag, while other times seem to fly by?
Just yesterday, so it seems, my daughters and son were born and I was married. Were they born on the same day that I was married? It seems like it. How is that possible? Is it because God has set eternity on the hearts of mankind? I don't know.
I was asked recently how is it possible that God can have no beginning or an end. I am not sure there is an adequate explanation for that. But I do know that there are moments that time seems to both stand still and yet fly by at the same time. Maybe this is kind of like eternity.
So, if time is so relative, why is my assistant so persistent to get my article for the newsletter?
I would suggest that time is the method by which we measure our lives. The amount of time we spend on anyone, anything, or any event is an indication of how much we value those people, places or things. If someone consumes our time by not meeting a deadline, we get frustrated and feel imposed upon because that time is lost. If the preacher is long winded - meaning he spoke about something we really couldn't care any less about; we feel that our time was wasted.
Why do Americans carry Blackberry's. PDA's, and cell phones? To help them maximize their time? Or, is it because we love to feel in control of our environment, and if we can control our time then we have gained an upper hand on one of the most important aspects of life. It's really quite simple. If I schedule time with my wife, then when she says, "You never spend time with me anymore," then I can show her in my schedule that just yesterday I blocked out time for just her. It was right between that meeting with the contractor and soccer practice. Then tonight, between the staff meeting and the elders' meeting she and I will have an entire 15 minutes of "quality" time.
What happened to truly allowing our relationships to dictate our time? Should time dictate our relationships? I wonder what the Creator, who is eternal, thinks of our measurement of time and how it controls our lives?
The Insidious Root
Wherever three or more are gathered together in community, there will be gossip.
I have yet to see community operate perfectly without there being some sort of gossip. One travel guru suggests, "When traveling with friends, never travel with more than one." They go on to suggest that the worst combination is three girlfriends. The root cause of this is that whenever we engage in life with other people there will be offense taken on some particular issue. If there are only 2 people on a deserted island, where will one go to complain about an offense? There is only one option and that is the healthiest choice.
What is it about people that when we feel that we have been wronged we feel that it is necessary to tell other people about the wrong? Why do we insist on sharing other people's faults in order to make ourselves look better? Why do we value self over others?
I would suggest a couple of options beyond my mother's advice of, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." When dealing with hurt and offense there are really only two options but the above saying suggests another option that is quite unhealthy. It is never good to bury pain, hurt, and offense. However, if the pain is but a mere flesh wound, might we just forgive the person for their stupidity and move on? Or, must we confront them and let them know that they offended us and inform them of their moronic behavior? Is it my job to inform everyone of their failings?
So option number one is not just to be quiet and say nothing at all, but it is to ask oneself, "Can I easily forgive this person for this mistake?" I cannot blow my horn at every single person who offends me only to say, "I forgive you," at the next light. It would be best to forgive quickly, be slow to anger and abounding in love.
But, what about those hurts as the result of blatant sin against the community? How do we deal with those offenses that are caused by obvious sin? This is where we need to go directly to the person and state our case, and regardless of whether they ask for forgiveness, forgive them their wrong against us. However, if the action persists or the person continues in the same sinful behavior against others, it is best to bring in a mutual friend or authority into the discussion. If the person persists still? Let the mutual authority deal with it.
But, what about the person who comes to me to complain about someone else's offense against them? Ask them if they have addressed the individual who wronged them, or are they asking you to go with them to address the person? If they continue in the sin of gossip and you approve of it, you have become guilty of the same sin even if you do not engage in spreading the offense.
I strongly believe, that if we engage in these two principles, we could vacation together!
So, anyone want to go to the beach with me and a few of my friends?
Further readings: Matthew 17, Philippians 2, and the rest of the Bible!
I have yet to see community operate perfectly without there being some sort of gossip. One travel guru suggests, "When traveling with friends, never travel with more than one." They go on to suggest that the worst combination is three girlfriends. The root cause of this is that whenever we engage in life with other people there will be offense taken on some particular issue. If there are only 2 people on a deserted island, where will one go to complain about an offense? There is only one option and that is the healthiest choice.
What is it about people that when we feel that we have been wronged we feel that it is necessary to tell other people about the wrong? Why do we insist on sharing other people's faults in order to make ourselves look better? Why do we value self over others?
I would suggest a couple of options beyond my mother's advice of, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." When dealing with hurt and offense there are really only two options but the above saying suggests another option that is quite unhealthy. It is never good to bury pain, hurt, and offense. However, if the pain is but a mere flesh wound, might we just forgive the person for their stupidity and move on? Or, must we confront them and let them know that they offended us and inform them of their moronic behavior? Is it my job to inform everyone of their failings?
So option number one is not just to be quiet and say nothing at all, but it is to ask oneself, "Can I easily forgive this person for this mistake?" I cannot blow my horn at every single person who offends me only to say, "I forgive you," at the next light. It would be best to forgive quickly, be slow to anger and abounding in love.
But, what about those hurts as the result of blatant sin against the community? How do we deal with those offenses that are caused by obvious sin? This is where we need to go directly to the person and state our case, and regardless of whether they ask for forgiveness, forgive them their wrong against us. However, if the action persists or the person continues in the same sinful behavior against others, it is best to bring in a mutual friend or authority into the discussion. If the person persists still? Let the mutual authority deal with it.
But, what about the person who comes to me to complain about someone else's offense against them? Ask them if they have addressed the individual who wronged them, or are they asking you to go with them to address the person? If they continue in the sin of gossip and you approve of it, you have become guilty of the same sin even if you do not engage in spreading the offense.
I strongly believe, that if we engage in these two principles, we could vacation together!
So, anyone want to go to the beach with me and a few of my friends?
Further readings: Matthew 17, Philippians 2, and the rest of the Bible!
Practicing Grace
It has been said that it is easy to be a saint when other people are not around. Other people have a way of getting under our skin and showing the depths of our soul.
So I went to a baseball game last night. We were blessed with the opportunity to sit on the terrace and have a meal. Some of the seats are good and others are not so good, but each terrace is first come, first served. It is a great family atmosphere until it starts to rain - and the beer begins to flow.
It started to rain in about the second inning and by the third it was getting everything wet. Many people got up, picked up all their stuff and left - so I thought. I moved closer where I could actually watch the game without standing up. In the fourth inning, the rain stopped and suddenly these same people wanted their seats back. Now, if I had taken a jacket, purse, or even a $2 program and moved it, I would think that their request was reasonable. Did I tell them that our old seats were available and we had even cleaned up after ourselves? No, I just moved back.
It was now the fifth inning, the rain had stopped some time earlier and there was a whole bunch of room behind me, but in another terrace. So I moved. After one inning, a man from a different table came over and told us that this was his table and chairs and we had to move. But we weren't really even at the table and we had brought chairs up from our terrace and were sitting in the empty space next to the table. Did I tell him all of this? No, I just moved.
Finally, in the seventh inning, I found a table that had been vacant since the third inning. Once again, I sat in a wet chair and dried off another chair. I now realize that I was being used to dry off the chairs of strangers - a service. But, this time I was able to enjoy the rest of the game, a dry seat and the fireworks. After the game, I was the one upset at the person who let two cars go in front of them when we all know that you only have to let one go!
This morning, my wife was cursed at by the cashier at the supermarket because she wanted change for the yard sale. And when she apologized for making her job difficult, all she received was a roll of the eyes.
Is it just us, or does it seem like everybody is angry? Maybe, there is more to their stories. Maybe we need to listen to what is going on deep down inside of them. Either way, all we can be responsible for is our own response. I just had a good laugh at those people who value their temporary property - actually all property is temporary. It didn't seem appropriate to get into a counseling session at the game! But, I can practice grace in how I respond.
So I went to a baseball game last night. We were blessed with the opportunity to sit on the terrace and have a meal. Some of the seats are good and others are not so good, but each terrace is first come, first served. It is a great family atmosphere until it starts to rain - and the beer begins to flow.
It started to rain in about the second inning and by the third it was getting everything wet. Many people got up, picked up all their stuff and left - so I thought. I moved closer where I could actually watch the game without standing up. In the fourth inning, the rain stopped and suddenly these same people wanted their seats back. Now, if I had taken a jacket, purse, or even a $2 program and moved it, I would think that their request was reasonable. Did I tell them that our old seats were available and we had even cleaned up after ourselves? No, I just moved back.
It was now the fifth inning, the rain had stopped some time earlier and there was a whole bunch of room behind me, but in another terrace. So I moved. After one inning, a man from a different table came over and told us that this was his table and chairs and we had to move. But we weren't really even at the table and we had brought chairs up from our terrace and were sitting in the empty space next to the table. Did I tell him all of this? No, I just moved.
Finally, in the seventh inning, I found a table that had been vacant since the third inning. Once again, I sat in a wet chair and dried off another chair. I now realize that I was being used to dry off the chairs of strangers - a service. But, this time I was able to enjoy the rest of the game, a dry seat and the fireworks. After the game, I was the one upset at the person who let two cars go in front of them when we all know that you only have to let one go!
This morning, my wife was cursed at by the cashier at the supermarket because she wanted change for the yard sale. And when she apologized for making her job difficult, all she received was a roll of the eyes.
Is it just us, or does it seem like everybody is angry? Maybe, there is more to their stories. Maybe we need to listen to what is going on deep down inside of them. Either way, all we can be responsible for is our own response. I just had a good laugh at those people who value their temporary property - actually all property is temporary. It didn't seem appropriate to get into a counseling session at the game! But, I can practice grace in how I respond.
The Discipline of Waiting
Believe it or not, there have been a few people who have asked me when I was going to post my next blog. I just wanted each of you to learn the discipline of waiting! Seriously, I have not been very disciplined lately with writing for a multitude of reasons of which I am sure you could care less.
I am building a garage. In order to build a garage in the United States, there are more things to do that seem utterly meaningless. Why does City Zoning care about the size and shape of a driveway, or what material will be used? And, why does it really matter whether the eve is 20 or 24 inches, and only on one side? And, why does one department count the stairs as habitable space and the other department, the one that should care, not count it? And why don't they tell you everything you need the first time you go in?
The Answer: The Regional Building Department and City Planning are really concerned about my spiritual well-being.
I personally need to understand the discipline of waiting and my latest journey is reminding me how undisciplined I am in this area. I get bored very quickly while waiting for someone else to make a decision. Is this really a spiritual issue? I believe it is.
It goes back to being a person who is more interested in results rather than the process. My architect keeps saying, the further you get into the process the more clear the finished product will become. But, if the result becomes the driving force, then frustration, disappointment, anger, and other emotions will consume you. How many of us get frustrated with God's work in us? Or, how many of us get angry with Him about the trial we are enduring?
So, I am trying to move my old garage. There are 8 different departments that have to sign off on the journey. Oh, yeah, and the Regional Building Department is one of them - seems that they want to know whether or not you have a permit for the new location.
Patience gives you the ability to enjoy the journey. A lack of patience, well, take it from me, it is not a good place to live.
I am building a garage. In order to build a garage in the United States, there are more things to do that seem utterly meaningless. Why does City Zoning care about the size and shape of a driveway, or what material will be used? And, why does it really matter whether the eve is 20 or 24 inches, and only on one side? And, why does one department count the stairs as habitable space and the other department, the one that should care, not count it? And why don't they tell you everything you need the first time you go in?
The Answer: The Regional Building Department and City Planning are really concerned about my spiritual well-being.
I personally need to understand the discipline of waiting and my latest journey is reminding me how undisciplined I am in this area. I get bored very quickly while waiting for someone else to make a decision. Is this really a spiritual issue? I believe it is.
It goes back to being a person who is more interested in results rather than the process. My architect keeps saying, the further you get into the process the more clear the finished product will become. But, if the result becomes the driving force, then frustration, disappointment, anger, and other emotions will consume you. How many of us get frustrated with God's work in us? Or, how many of us get angry with Him about the trial we are enduring?
So, I am trying to move my old garage. There are 8 different departments that have to sign off on the journey. Oh, yeah, and the Regional Building Department is one of them - seems that they want to know whether or not you have a permit for the new location.
Patience gives you the ability to enjoy the journey. A lack of patience, well, take it from me, it is not a good place to live.
Integrity & Authenticity
Lately I have heard a great deal of comments about integrity and authenticity. Many people use the words interchangably and insist that they are the same. Some blame power and isolation as the cause of corruption.
Power in and of itself does not corupt, but it reveals the corruption of one's character. Absolute power reveals the depth of one's corruption.
Fear reveals the level of consistency in one's life. If one acts without fear is one who knows that the person they are in private is the same person they are in public. But, just because someone is authentic, does not make them fearless unless they are consistent.
If one consistently admits to a certain set of values and then acts inconsistently with those values in private and publicly - they lack integrity. They also act in fear that their actions will one day demand an account.
Character and action moving in consistency with one another in public and in private without fear equals integrity.
If you were handed a great deal of power, how would it affect the way you acted out? In other words, if you knew there was nobody who could touch you for your actions, how would you live?
A man of integrity with absolute power, I believe, would rap a towel arround his waist and serve those who are willing to be served.
Power in and of itself does not corupt, but it reveals the corruption of one's character. Absolute power reveals the depth of one's corruption.
Fear reveals the level of consistency in one's life. If one acts without fear is one who knows that the person they are in private is the same person they are in public. But, just because someone is authentic, does not make them fearless unless they are consistent.
If one consistently admits to a certain set of values and then acts inconsistently with those values in private and publicly - they lack integrity. They also act in fear that their actions will one day demand an account.
Character and action moving in consistency with one another in public and in private without fear equals integrity.
If you were handed a great deal of power, how would it affect the way you acted out? In other words, if you knew there was nobody who could touch you for your actions, how would you live?
A man of integrity with absolute power, I believe, would rap a towel arround his waist and serve those who are willing to be served.
Is It Relative?
I have a lot of relatives. You know, those people who have weird mannerisms that we ourselves start emulating the older we get!
Some of my relatives are nice, some are grumpy, some became relatives by my choice and others because of no fault of my own! Marriage has a way of uniting whole clans together. When I chose Terasue to be my wife, I also chose her family. Funny thing though, I only asked her parents - I didn't ask her siblings. After I proposed, I asked for my parents' blessing - probably should have asked their permission. Good thing they like Terasue!
Marriage is a symbol of our relationship with God! The Roman Catholics so value marriage they consider it an actual Sacrament. I don't think of marriage as an ordinance of the Church, but I do see marriage as a holy, ordained of God, institution that is more than a union between a man and a woman. It is a statement of the Church's union with Christ Himself.
He asked for the Father's permission and for the Holy Spirit to seal the union. He also asked for our hand in marriage. He is asking us to join His family - The perfect Communion. And, He has gone to prepare a place for us in His Father's House.
Maybe I should really take this to heart in my daily life. Maybe I should love my wife the way Christ loved the Church and gave Himself up for Her. Maybe I should value my union with Christ the same way I value my union with my wife. Maybe I should think about the things with which I unite Christ.
Jesus chose to invite us to become a part of His Family. He demonstrated that He was willing to be a part of ours as well by becoming Flesh among us. But, that doesn't mean that He likes being related to our unions. The Apostle Paul says, "Don't unite yourself to a prostitute for that is to unite Christ to a prostitute!" But, it is not just prostitutes, we need to be careful what things we make "relatives" of Christ.
Maybe we just make Christ relative rather than considering the way we make Him a relative of our sin.
Some of my relatives are nice, some are grumpy, some became relatives by my choice and others because of no fault of my own! Marriage has a way of uniting whole clans together. When I chose Terasue to be my wife, I also chose her family. Funny thing though, I only asked her parents - I didn't ask her siblings. After I proposed, I asked for my parents' blessing - probably should have asked their permission. Good thing they like Terasue!
Marriage is a symbol of our relationship with God! The Roman Catholics so value marriage they consider it an actual Sacrament. I don't think of marriage as an ordinance of the Church, but I do see marriage as a holy, ordained of God, institution that is more than a union between a man and a woman. It is a statement of the Church's union with Christ Himself.
He asked for the Father's permission and for the Holy Spirit to seal the union. He also asked for our hand in marriage. He is asking us to join His family - The perfect Communion. And, He has gone to prepare a place for us in His Father's House.
Maybe I should really take this to heart in my daily life. Maybe I should love my wife the way Christ loved the Church and gave Himself up for Her. Maybe I should value my union with Christ the same way I value my union with my wife. Maybe I should think about the things with which I unite Christ.
Jesus chose to invite us to become a part of His Family. He demonstrated that He was willing to be a part of ours as well by becoming Flesh among us. But, that doesn't mean that He likes being related to our unions. The Apostle Paul says, "Don't unite yourself to a prostitute for that is to unite Christ to a prostitute!" But, it is not just prostitutes, we need to be careful what things we make "relatives" of Christ.
Maybe we just make Christ relative rather than considering the way we make Him a relative of our sin.
Why Are We So Angry?
That person on the road who just cut me off! Then there was that pot-hole that just threw my car out of alignment. Then there was a line at the coffee shop and I had to wait for my coffee. Then my favorite corner was occupied by this group of moms and their kids who were throwing their toys. Then there was this guy who was controlling the conversation with his school partner by speaking louder than a deaf guy on a cell phone with a bad connection.
So, why are we so angry all the time?
Maybe it is because we depend upon the people around us to make us happy. What if external circumstances didn't control us? What if we were centered on Christ and our identity in Him?
I tend to get angry at the situations that I cannot control. Whether it is my children, my wife, my church, or even my friends. When I come to the realization that I cannot control them I become angry. I guess that is a sign of emotional immaturity. So, I yell at them! It makes me feel better but does nothing for the situation.
So, why do you get angry? It is probably not "righteous indignation!"
Oh yeah, the coffee shop newspaper was under all the mom's purses and their coffee cups!
So, why are we so angry all the time?
Maybe it is because we depend upon the people around us to make us happy. What if external circumstances didn't control us? What if we were centered on Christ and our identity in Him?
I tend to get angry at the situations that I cannot control. Whether it is my children, my wife, my church, or even my friends. When I come to the realization that I cannot control them I become angry. I guess that is a sign of emotional immaturity. So, I yell at them! It makes me feel better but does nothing for the situation.
So, why do you get angry? It is probably not "righteous indignation!"
Oh yeah, the coffee shop newspaper was under all the mom's purses and their coffee cups!
Directions? Why? I'm Not Lost!
I have never been lost. Why? Because, I am a man. Men are never lost – misguided maybe, but never lost. To admit that I am lost is to somehow admit that I am less of a man. I will admit that it is taking longer to find my destination, but I am not lost!
I recently went to Ohio to visit family. There are no mountains in Ohio; there are lots of hills and trees. The only landmarks are giant water towers that are visible for miles. I suddenly became aware of the compass in our car. That is a handy piece of equipment in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, and Kansas.
A compass is not what keeps us from getting lost, but it sure helps. Some of us have landmarks in our lives that make the compass less of a necessity. These landmarks may be parents, friends, experiences, or traditions. None of these last forever; nor are they always relevant. Someday you won't be able to see Pikes Peak. At that point, you will need a compass.
You can build a compass that will always point you to True North. This compass is built with friends who will speak truth into our lives – authentic, transformational community. How accurate is your compass? Does it point someplace other than True North? Do you have people that can help you use the compass properly?
I recently went to Ohio to visit family. There are no mountains in Ohio; there are lots of hills and trees. The only landmarks are giant water towers that are visible for miles. I suddenly became aware of the compass in our car. That is a handy piece of equipment in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, and Kansas.
A compass is not what keeps us from getting lost, but it sure helps. Some of us have landmarks in our lives that make the compass less of a necessity. These landmarks may be parents, friends, experiences, or traditions. None of these last forever; nor are they always relevant. Someday you won't be able to see Pikes Peak. At that point, you will need a compass.
You can build a compass that will always point you to True North. This compass is built with friends who will speak truth into our lives – authentic, transformational community. How accurate is your compass? Does it point someplace other than True North? Do you have people that can help you use the compass properly?
Making the Bed
Why make the bed? I will get into it within 24 hours and have to repeat the process again?
Before I was married, I rarely, if ever, made my bed. I honestly did not see the point. It is my bed, nobody else uses it, and my bedroom is where I go to sleep. Yes, we spend more time in this room than any other room in our houses, but we are asleep - in our bed, messing it up. Besides, there is really no point of anyone else even coming into your bedroom anyway. The topic of why other people would be in one's bedroom is not the topic of this particular blog.
So, why make the bed?
I have come to the conclusion that it is for no other reason than discipline. To discipline is to teach, shape or form. When a parent disciplines their children, their goal is to shape, mold, form, and teach the child - never to control them. Some parents make their kids make the bed just so that they can feel in control of their children. But, others have a plan that is more about forming, teaching and molding their children.
I have concluded that I must make the bed, not for my benefit, but for my wife's benefit. She does not like to get into an un-made bed. So, when I am the last one out of bed, I make the bed. For years, I would make it the way she made it. I would tuck the sheets and fold them back over the blanket, fluffing and placing the pillows perfectly. I wonder, was she shaping me, molding me, disciplining me for the past fifteen years? Probably. But now, I make the bed quickly (no folding, tucking, fluffing, or placing) and she doesn't complain, so everything must be okay! So who has been disciplined!
But I digress. There are many things in life that seem meaningless, but if we do them for the benefit of others they serve to discipline us, mold us and shape us into the people that God intended us to be. Even better, if we do them as though it is for God, it brings meaning to our mundane lives.
So, take joy in making your bed.
Before I was married, I rarely, if ever, made my bed. I honestly did not see the point. It is my bed, nobody else uses it, and my bedroom is where I go to sleep. Yes, we spend more time in this room than any other room in our houses, but we are asleep - in our bed, messing it up. Besides, there is really no point of anyone else even coming into your bedroom anyway. The topic of why other people would be in one's bedroom is not the topic of this particular blog.
So, why make the bed?
I have come to the conclusion that it is for no other reason than discipline. To discipline is to teach, shape or form. When a parent disciplines their children, their goal is to shape, mold, form, and teach the child - never to control them. Some parents make their kids make the bed just so that they can feel in control of their children. But, others have a plan that is more about forming, teaching and molding their children.
I have concluded that I must make the bed, not for my benefit, but for my wife's benefit. She does not like to get into an un-made bed. So, when I am the last one out of bed, I make the bed. For years, I would make it the way she made it. I would tuck the sheets and fold them back over the blanket, fluffing and placing the pillows perfectly. I wonder, was she shaping me, molding me, disciplining me for the past fifteen years? Probably. But now, I make the bed quickly (no folding, tucking, fluffing, or placing) and she doesn't complain, so everything must be okay! So who has been disciplined!
But I digress. There are many things in life that seem meaningless, but if we do them for the benefit of others they serve to discipline us, mold us and shape us into the people that God intended us to be. Even better, if we do them as though it is for God, it brings meaning to our mundane lives.
So, take joy in making your bed.
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