
Directions? Why? I'm Not Lost!

I have never been lost. Why? Because, I am a man. Men are never lost – misguided maybe, but never lost. To admit that I am lost is to somehow admit that I am less of a man. I will admit that it is taking longer to find my destination, but I am not lost!

I recently went to Ohio to visit family. There are no mountains in Ohio; there are lots of hills and trees. The only landmarks are giant water towers that are visible for miles. I suddenly became aware of the compass in our car. That is a handy piece of equipment in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, and Kansas.

A compass is not what keeps us from getting lost, but it sure helps. Some of us have landmarks in our lives that make the compass less of a necessity. These landmarks may be parents, friends, experiences, or traditions. None of these last forever; nor are they always relevant. Someday you won't be able to see Pikes Peak. At that point, you will need a compass.

You can build a compass that will always point you to True North. This compass is built with friends who will speak truth into our lives – authentic, transformational community. How accurate is your compass? Does it point someplace other than True North? Do you have people that can help you use the compass properly?


Anonymous said...

I remember getting l---, you know what I mean, and actually saying out loud that I wasn't l---, you know, but that the place I was looking for wasn't where it should be.
From Homer's hero Odysseus trying to get home to Chesterton's Englishman who discovered England, we see the theme again and again: a heroic striving for home, for a true place in the world, for a complete romance of discovery and fulfillment. We sense that something is askew, something needs to be set right, battles need to be fought, risks taken, and journeys mapped. Occasionally, we error by assuming that the reason things have been turned sideways is a problem that we have no part in, but that we can fix on our own. The exact opposite is the case: we are the "Genesis" of the problem, and our Father offers the solution. His preparation of our home means no more being lost in any sense for those who turn to Him. That's good news. Thanks again, Kurt, for the thoughts.

Anonymous said...

2006 was not a good year for me. I attribute it to a combination of years of rebellion and God's calling on me to straighten up my life. If nothing else? He got my attention. Those of you who know me well know that I grew up in a very dysfunctional family. This year they decided in their usual dysfunctional manner that I was not fit to celebrate Christmas with them. I write this not to elicit pity (though i am VERY :) grateful for prayer for them) but to state that I learned that I belong not to my Earthly family but to the family whose Father created me. When i felt without direction in 2006 I would stop and pray and instantly find MY :) true North. I am grateful beyond words for those who offerred me lodging, food and prayer during this most difficult of years. I crave your continued prayers and hope that my story will be one that will honor my FATHER :) and my FAMILY :) in the coming years! (I apologize for the use of caps, i don't know how to use the HTML tags or they don't work on a mac. :) )