

Dinners, guests, family, Christmas programs (oops, I mean "holiday programs") and all the people trying to get the perfect gift for that less than perfect someone! It can be pretty exhausting this time of year.

I too am tired - and I like people!!

As a pastor I am always trying to get our church motivated to reach others for Jesus. "Reach your circles of influence." "Build Bridges of Love into the community." "Invite your neighbors to your Compass Group." "Volunteer for the Interactive Nativity." "Invite your kids' friends to Kid's Own Worship." And you may have heard even more impassioned pleas!

I too am tired - and I just got back from a sabbatical!!

But, I am not tired of talking about Jesus. You see, our success is not determined by the response of the individual to our message. Our success is determined by our obedience to the process. I have to remind myself daily - especially when I feel tired - that I am a success if I am obedient to do that to which I was called through scripture. We are called to make disciples.

It is easy to get discouraged, disappointed, bummed, depressed, and tired when we don't see the results. Every pastor knows that what determines success is buildings, butts(or bums for my parents), and budgets. And if those don't grow in number then . . .

Imagine going to the effort of planting a lawn. You till the soil several times to make sure you have 4-6 inches of soft soil. You then till in the peat and manure to get just the right balance. You rake it multiple times to make sure you have a smooth surface. Then comes the seeding and covering with straw. Sprinklers are a must for Colorado and you are prepared. Maybe you did it all in late fall and now you have to wait. And wait. And wait. On warm days it is important to water the seeds - so you do. And you wait. And wait.

Imagine spring came and then summer. The sprinklers worked properly but all you have to show for all your labor and efforts is 7 small patches of grass. Then you read in the landscaper's manual that if you followed the process - you are a success. Would you believe it?

In the area of outreach let me say - Harvest is a success. We have followed the process. We have been obedient. And the Holy Manual says that we are a success. Regardless of the size of our church, how nice our building is, or the size of our budget - we are demonstrating the love of Christ to our city. We are serving as a catalyst for spiritual change within our city.

Do not grow tired in doing good, for in the right season you will see the fruit of your labors, (Galatians 6:9).

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