
The Inner Burbs

So Sydney has a completely different feel than Canberra. If I were to say that to an Aussie, they would just look at me like I'm some dumb American - everybody knows that! The streets of Sydney are bustling with people from every continent - I think it has a similar "feel" to San Francisco. Within one block I distinctly heard at least 4 different languages other than English.

The downtown is reserved for the very wealthy and businesses. We stayed downtown for a couple of nights - and the city does sleep, just not until 2 in the morning. That is when they clean the streets and wash the sidewalks. I think I saw 2 homeless people during my three weeks in Australia - this aspect was nothing like San Francisco; or Colorado Springs for that matter. I think the street cleaning must have something to do with this.

The suburbs are other CBD's (Central Business Districts) placed around the main hub of Sydney. These each have their own "suburbs" and each has a certain socio-economic status associated with it. All of that to say - as you move away from downtown Sydney, the property gets cheaper and the socio-economic status drops. However, there are some suburbs away from the city center that are quite wealthy - this is where the local megachurch is located.

The first church I attended was a small Alliance church in a suburb of Blacktown known as Doonside. The church reflected much of what I saw on the streets of Sydney - people of every race speaking multiple languages. My first contact was the birthday party for the pastor of the church at another church's facility. The next morning I went to church with the pastor - but this time it was in a community center. I found out later that Doonside would be classified as "innercity" in an American city - but it is a suburb in Australia.

The formal greeters didn't greet us, but more people came up to us and said hello than at any other church. The music was dated and the sermon was long and very personal. But, don't let that fool you, this church is about the mission of Christ! I found out very quickly that Sunday morning is really just a family meeting for those who are working in the mission. And most of them are between 16 and 25 years old. For this reason there was not a need for childcare or a seniors ministry. If you talk about seniors they think you are referring to the older group of students in the youth ministry! I was invited to come see what they do during the week in the schools, and I will write about that in my next blog.

In the middle of the service they did the Grin & Greet and it was equally awkard for us as everyplace else that did it. Everything else was fairly standard, but at the end people were invited to stick around for coffee and tea - and a snack. This lasted for 2 hours, and it only ended then because the space was rented and they had to get out!

That night we made our way to the local megachurch. This was quite an experience. We came in through a glass front under a neon sign that said something about Jesus - in huge letters. Staight ahead was a bookstore with a line at the register that stretched into the lobby. The previous service had let out and there were people everywhere. Ushers were pointing us to the stairs since the main level was full. We made our way into the sanctuary and I picked up some super-cool brochures about the different ministries.

We walked through the upstairs door to find that the entire sanctuary has theater seats that are more comfortable than any theater I can afford! But there were no cupholders! But then I noticed that a little desktop folded out of the armrest so I could write down all my notes. Then the music started.

It started with the lights going out and video that bounced around among the three screens, the spots started dancing around the sanctuary and then focused upon the stage where the musicians began to rock. The floor in front of the stage began to heave in unison and soon it was a bouncing throng of young people all jumping up and down to the rythm of the music. I didn't know one song, but it was fun to bounce with everyone else - though they were all about half my age.

The main sermon was excellent and even the sermonette for the offering was good. But, when it came to the other speaking that happened - well let's just say that plugging the purchase of the sermon DVD or music CD or buying the pastor's latest book was just a little over the top for me and about made me puke. But, I guess they are proud of what they have produced! After the plugs the kids were released just before the sermon to giant kids, (costumes worn by volunteers to point the way).

At the end of the sermon we listened to a plug for all the volunteers they needed for the upcoming conference - of the 4500 they only needed a 1000 more! Then the music started up again with a different music leader, and soon the floor was heaving again. One of my favorite parts of the service was when the pastor had those who had a need raise their hand and those around them began to pray for them as he prayed. Yes, they did the Grin & Greet too, and yes it was awkward. However, it was so short that it really didn't matter.

On the way home, I noticed the C&MA logo on a building just a few blocks from the church - I wonder if they have three screens, giant kids, and a need for a 1000 volunteers to help park cars? I think I will go there this Sunday to find out!

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